It is the time of year to begin thinking about your annual taxes. Two items that can often help you save money on your taxes are deducting a home office and deducting home improvements. One way to accomplish both of these things to build an addition to your home that…
Move Mom into a New In-Law Suite and Upgrade Your Home Value
Posted in:There comes a time in many families where Mom and/or Dad want to move in with you and your family. Maybe the cost of living is becoming more than their retirement can handle. Maybe they are not in the best of health but do not need round-the-clock care. Maybe, they…
What a Quality Home Addition Can Do for You
Posted in:As a homeowner who wants to remodel, you might be a bit overwhelmed with the options that are out there. On the one hand, you really want to put that addition for the home office you’ve been dreaming of, but on the other, you don’t quite know where to start….